If you don't already know, your skin is your largest organ in the body. Obviously, as a coach and as a nurse, overall wellness is something that is important to me and that I have a passion for. We all know that "We are what we eat", right? Most just think of what we put in our mouths as eating, but our skin absorbs (eats) all of the products you put on it: shampoo, conditioner, facial cleanser, toner, facial moisturizer, lotions, soaps, perfumes, household cleaning products and anything you come into contact with in your day to day life.
Let's look into more facts about the skin, shall we? A 15-year old study revealed that even those who lived in remote areas were found to have HUNDREDS of chemical toxins in their bloodstream and 287 toxins have been identified in newborns umbilical cords, many of which are from personal body products! Even before birth, it is known that toxins absorb through the skin and can even reach an unborn baby. (Afterpay Key, 2015, Aug 20) Artificial fragrances, artifical colors, MEA (Monoethanolamine), DEA (Diethanolamine), or TEA (Triethanolamine), parabens, PEG compounds, phthalates, silicones and sulfates are just a few of the more commonly discussed toxics. You can read more about these
common toxics that are included in many products you buy at your local store, check out this link.
I'm not perfect, but I sure do try to minimize as much toxins as I can that come into contact with my skin. I make many of my own household cleaners, essential oil perfume mixes, body oils, etc., and have begun to start making some of these products available to the public. I'm proud to say that I only use really high-end ingredients that I would use on myself (since I use my own products ;). I currently have facial cleanser, facial toner, facial moisturizer, a scalp treatment, cellulite serum, epsom salt blends, and a special essential oil blend to help you align your chakras available right now, but plan to have even more! At the top of the page click on Etsy Shop (give it a few minutes - that page is slow) and choose "Bath & Body - Made by Me" to see what's currently in stock.
(Afterpay Key, 2015, Aug 20) https://www.ursamajorvt.com/blogs/the-blog-cabin/37974081-how-do-toxics-enter-our-bodies